SIP Trunks2023-09-16T02:05:59+01:00

GoldStar Telecom provide SIP trunking across Cork and Ireland

Are you using SIP trunking yet? We’re excited about the potential of SIP trunking to transform your business, and we as a leading SIP trunk provider believe that it is a key way to stay ahead of your competitors right now.

What is SIP trunking?

SIP trunking is a reliable and cost-saving way to reduce your landline rental from Eir, Vodafone, Three, Magnet or any other fixed-line carrier. Businesses save 75% on their business line rental and up to 30% on their call charges.  There are many benefits to SIP trunking. By using SIP trunks, you have much more control over your phone line, whether it be a call diverts you need setup or additional phone lines required.

Using this technology is a superior way to communicate compared with existing ISDN or PSTN telephone lines, and you can connect from your site or multiple sites, via an IP connection.

SIP trunking is a reliable and cost-effective way to improve your phone systems as you move forward in your business. Business owners, CEOs and IT Managers are extolling the benefits of this system, and we can help you to stand out from the rest when you choose SIP for your business phone.

Office working business woman using SIP Trunk tech

Why should I choose SIP trunking?

Woman on a laptop

1. SIP is secure

You might think that ISDN and PSTN are the most secure options in an IP world, but this is not the case, as phone hacking has become a real threat. Our traditional voice carriers in Irish marketing frequently fail to step up the standards and provide security checks and balances for their customers, and this causes problems where, even if an internal alert has been raised, customers are not alerted, and shutdown of connectivity is still a manual operation.

At the other end of the spectrum, our independent VoIP voice carriers within the Irish market are so conscious and aware of security and customer safety that they have extremely complex security algorithms in place to ensure that any suspicious behaviour on your phone systems is identified and stopped. Whether it is suspicious number calls to a non-standard destination, or a customer exceeding their allowed balance, the outbound voice service will be automatically suspended if there is a suspected issue until the threat has been resolved. Your account can also be set up with a maximum call amount, triggering suspension if exceeded. This is vital as it prevents you from a potential liability situation, protecting your business against a financial impact and avoiding wasting time dealing with such a situation with the Gardai, your traditional voice carrier and, potentially, Comreg.

We know that voice hacking is on the increase, and it is vital to take steps to ensure your business is secured. SIP trunks and VoIP offer a great security solution, prioritising business continuity and peace of mind.

2. Save on your phone bill with SIP.

When you switch to SIP trunking, you will no longer be bound by expensive line rental fees and ongoing call charges will also be reduced. You can expect reductions of up to 75% on your line rental and cost savings of 20-30% on your call charges, and switching to 2 IP lines will save you €288 annually.

Your outgoing destination profile is key to your overall cost savings, and you can make large-scale savings on international calls as well as savings on national Irish landline calls and Irish mobile calls. Before you change from any provider, you should have a bill analysis carried out to give you a clear expectation of cost savings.

Save Money on your phone bill
Man on the phone, staying connecting because of the SIP trunks in the offices

3. SIP is flexible.

SIP trunking offers more flexibility for a business user than a standard TDM business phone line like ISDN or PSTN. Every Irish SMB aspires to be mobile, quick to market, scalable and always contactable. SIP delivers on all of these crucial requirements. You’ll be assured of the following:

  1.  Disaster recovery. In the event of a failure of service, you will be safe knowing that automatic failover is in place to route your calls to a destination of your choice, giving you business continuity.
  2. Geographic offering. With SIP trunks, you can present the local phone number you want as a marketing tool. New numbers can be assigned to you in seconds, enabling your business to adapt quickly to a potential opportunity.
  3. Scalable. SIP trunking allows your business to scale up or down as required without requiring a call-out from a carrier engineer to extend or remove phone lines or expensive hardware.
  4. Resilience. SIP trunks are resilient and provide multiple failsafe options in the event of a failure so that in the event of loss of service with one carrier, there will be a backup option to provide essential continuity.

4. Choose SIP when moving premises.

If your business is in the process of moving premises, this is the perfect time to choose SIP trunking for your business phone communications. SIP trunks are a great enabler for moving your phone number to a new location. Here’s why:

Moving premises was previously a complex process, involving locating the exchange relevant to your new premises, re-directing calls to your old number and setting up a messaging system to provide callers with your new number. These can be expensive services, alongside ordering new phone lines and waiting for installation, or requesting a move or diversion if in the same exchange as your old premises.

With SIP, this becomes a simple process, involving only three short steps:

  1. Order one phone line and broadband.
  2. Order SIP trunks from GoldStar.
  3. GoldStar will port your numbers on the day you wish to move.

Porting your number to an IP PBX carrier is the most effective way of moving your telephone number, and this process can take as little as 24 hours once you authorise it. By porting your number, you eliminate costly installation of new lines and possible call divert charges to your new numbers.

Businesses love this cost-effective and practical approach, and we will be happy to talk with you about how it could work for your company.

Businessman on the phone using SIP trunking phone system technology

See our latest articles about SIP trunks:

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