Generate new business by optimising your online presence

You can simplify how your customers control their business listings and grow your billing revenue simultaneously when you sign up with us. Help your customers to attract new business and increase your revenue. Contact GoldStar Telecom to find out how online web listings can take your business to the next level.

Web listings from GoldStar Telecom

 At GoldStar, we prioritise customer satisfaction, and web listings are a great way to enable your customers to control their business listings with just one click. Web listings is an online listing solution that enables comms resellers to offer their customers greater value and increase their own monthly billing revenue simultaneously. 

Many businesses are transitioning from ISDN to SIP, which can mean lower business revenue for comms resellers. However, web listings can be the answer to this dilemma, giving you the edge over your competitors as you offer a technology that has never been widely accessible to businesses of all sizes before.

Uploading web listing

Did you know that searches for local businesses online have increased by 900% in the last two years? This is an exponential rise, and today, more than 45% of all Google searches are for location-based information. This means it’s vital for a business to top local searches by optimising its online presence. 

Smaller businesses have never been able to access the technology that allows for seamless updating of their information, including contact information, payment details and opening times. Now, though, this is a simple and easy process with web listings.

IT woman working from their laptop in an office

Why use web listings?

  • It’s easy to set up: Web listings are ideal for bulk onboarding, and we can onboard your customers with our simple 5-step deployment plan. You’ll see your revenue increasing within four weeks.
  • It’s easy to use: These listings are a user-friendly platform with a simple interface that is easy to get to grips with. It’s straightforward for end users and reseller partners and immediately benefits both.
  • It’s easy to manage: GoldStar will handle all the details for you, onboarding your customers and providing them with ongoing support wherever required. This simplifies your role and ensures your provision is managed consistently.
  • It’s easy to grow: You can anticipate a significant increase in revenue as you offer web listings across your customer base.

Talk to us today to find out how web listings could work for you.

We can demonstrate how web listings functions and how it will be delivered across your customer base, and develop your onboarding project to make the most of the opportunity. The software will become a fully integrated part of your portfolio, and we will show you how to seamlessly launch it as an option for your customers.

We’ll work alongside your sales and support teams to ensure they have the knowledge and resources to share this tool with customers effectively and increase retention rates, and, finally, we will show you how to administer the web listings portal, including new customer additions and off-boarding customers who opt out. Contact GoldStar to find out more.

Contact Us

If you require any further information about our products and services get in touch with us!