Here at GoldStar, we pride ourselves on being a reliable telecoms provider that prioritises the needs of our customers whilst delivering exceptional customer service. That’s why so many of our customers choose to stay with us, and this includes our long-time client, Cummins Sports.

Established by William Cummins, Cummins Sports is a family run business that first opened its doors in 1971.

Like many other Irish businesses, they’ve recently discovered the benefits of a cloud phone system and trusted GoldStar to facilitate the migration.

GoldStar and Cummins Sports – a longstanding relationship

For over 23 years, GoldStar have been providing telephony solutions to Cummins Sports, adapting to their needs as the business has grown, offering support and advice as and when it’s been required.

Now with 8 stores, an eCommerce site, a warehouse, head office, and a team of 100, the business has grown into a large operation with more complex communication requirements. GoldStar are Cummins Sports trusted sole telecoms provider, supplying phone systems and ongoing support to all sites.

The challenge

An existing on-premise phone system in one of Cummins Sports stores began to show signs of aging. The business was at a crossroads, faced with the decision of whether to rectify and repair the issue or invest in a new solution altogether.

We were able to assess the evolving needs of Cummins Sports and their budget, providing honest, unbiased advice, and highlighting that the cost of fixing the issue far outweighed the cost of a completely new system.

The charges for line rentals and call charges, coupled with old technology that would eventually become outdated, meant a move to the cloud seemed like the most sensible, suitable path.

The benefits of a cloud solution

After weighing up their options and discovering the benefits of moving to a cloud phone system, Cummins Sports decided to move forward with iPECS Cloud from Ericsson-LG, with a mixture of hardware including iPECS deskphones and cordless handsets.

Over a 12-month period, 3 stores migrated to the cloud phone system. So, why was the cloud the best resolution for Cummins Sports, and what have they found to be the biggest benefits?

User-friendly: iPECS Cloud system is an extremely user-friendly phone system, a huge selling point for a business such as Cummins Sports, with multiple sites and teams adjusting to the transition of new technology.

Utilised their existing connectivity: iPECS Cloud runs over an internet connection, so it’s important to make sure you have enough bandwidth to support it. Cummins did, so there was no need for additional spend here!

Cost-effective: most calls across a cloud phone system are free, removing the line charges associated with on-premise systems.

Improved customer experience: their Blackpool, Ballincollig, and North Main Street stores have all transitioned to cloud and are reaping the day-to-day benefits, including internal call transfers between stores, enabling customers to check stock availability with ease.

Increased sales: the cloud phone system has aided the business sales funnel, helping Cummins Sports to effectively share stock levels across sites and quickly provide customers with useful information during the crucial first stage of the purchasing process.

Increased efficiency: with the implementation of hunt groups and user extensions, inbound calls get directed to the correct person, making transfers and communication more efficient and productive.

More in-house IT control: The system can be overseen from any location. In contrast, on-premise phone telephony requires physical site visits. This can be a time-consuming exercise, with support and resource spread out across multiple stores.

From trusted relationship to robust products – the GoldStar experience

We asked Alan Moreland, Cummins Sports IT/eCommerce Manager, about his experience with our service and products. Alan said:

“The support at GoldStar isn’t just good, it’s excellent. I pick up the phone and my queries are dealt with immediately. GoldStar’s technical knowledge is exceptional. I’m always impressed with their customer service and have full confidence in their ability to make changes to our phone systems.”

Would Cummins Sports recommend a move to the cloud?

We asked Alan about the company’s experience of migrating to a cloud phone system:

“The move to the new cloud system has been seamless. It’s robust and reliable, I never have concerns that anything will go wrong. On our previous system, I was cautious about making changes in case it impacted our other systems.

The billing for our new cloud platform is much simpler and cheaper, easier to understand, and generally a straightforward process. It really has enhanced the way we do business and helped drive us forward as we expand. We thank GoldStar for continuously providing us with excellent service and high-quality products!”

What does the future look like for the partnership?

Cummins Sports once again put their faith in GoldStar, and following a considered recommendation, they have been enjoying the benefits of the cloud ever since.

With the rollout of the iPECS Cloud system across their 3 stores achieving huge success, the company’s current goal is to extend their cloud telephony to the other 5 stores. Once all locations have moved to the cloud, Cummins Sports plan to utilise further features available, such as mobile apps and collaboration tools.

GoldStar will continue to provide expert, tailored advice and support for all of Cummins Sports’ communication needs as they arise. The cloud is a reliable and future-proof communications solution, and Cummins Sports continue to enjoy lowered costs and a seamless, unified communications setup.

Wondering if a cloud phone system is right for you? We help Irish businesses make the move to cloud, contact one of our specialists today.