GoldStar Telecom Remote Working

Did you know you can give your staff a cordless phone to take home?

  • Contact your employees at home by dialing their normal extension number instead of ringing them on their mobiles.
  • Reception can easily transfer calls to remote workers. This allows clients to deal with your main office rather than
    using personal numbers of sales reps who may move on in the future.
  • Twinning allows the device to have the same extension number as at work, enabling calls to come through to their
    office desk and at home.
  • When your employee makes a call from home on their cordless this goes through the office phone bill.
  • A cordless device can be configured and left on the shelf at work and be ready to plug in instantly at home if an
    employee needs to work at home at a moment’s notice.
  • An office extension at home allows for greater productivity as people are not wasting time.
  • Save time on looking for remote workers mobile numbers, and just ring their normal office extension.
  • All incoming calls can get answered from any device and can seamlessly be transferred to the desired extension
    even when working from home.