Keeping your business secure is more than just locking up the office at the end of the day. It’s ensuring your IT and networks are protected from attack.

More and more of our business life is digitised these days. This makes us better connected and more efficient, but it also creates new vulnerabilities.

Cybersecurity is serious. And, like when anything goes wrong, it can cause tremendous problems for your business. Not only are cyber attacks extremely stressful – the risk of losing money, time and even your reputation are very real. No business is immune from a potential cybersecurity breach. And a lot of businesses lack the in-house skills to protect themselves.

That’s where cybersecurity as a service comes in. At Goldstar, with years of experience and a team of experts, we can help you get your cybersecurity right. First off, what are the risks to your business? And have you got measures in place? Let’s take a look.

Cybersecurity risks for businesses

Attacks are an ever-present threat, as cyber criminals get more advanced and organised. They could be hackers, but there are more common threats like phishing and malware attacks. One human error, or one unprotected device, could open you up to attacks.

It’s important to keep up to date with the right software and follow steps to keep information secure. Without these, you are completely vulnerable and open to attack.

Are small businesses safe?

Run a small business? You might think you’re safe from a scam. Wrong.

Small businesses can be seen as easier targets, with less robust security in place. Even if immediate financial gain isn’t an option for attackers, locking you out of your systems is a real threat. Is it worth the risk?

So, no business big or small is immune from cyber-attacks.

Sensitive information such as staff records, bank details and intellectual property are all at stake. You could potentially breach GDPR if they are not kept secure.

How can you stay safe? We can support your business with the following 5 security steps.

Cybersecurity solutions – 5 steps to keep your business safe

As a business owner, it is your responsibility to reduce the likelihood of being duped by fraudulent communications or a cyber-attack which could be detrimental to your business, staff or clients.

Here are some of the cybersecurity essentials you need to know.

  1. Firewalls – a firewall is a barrier for your network. It checks and monitors all the traffic running through your network. Without a firewall, your network is exposed, creating a way in for all sorts of attacks.

  1. Endpoint protection – This is used to detect, prevent and eliminate malware (malicious software) from your devices. Without it, there is a high chance of some form of malware getting into your system and causing significant issues.

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication – We are used to using passwords to access private information. Multi-factor authentication goes a step further. In addition to using a password, it requires extra information such as a pin or security question. This creates an extra level of protection.

  1. Phishing – Year on year, phishing scams grow in sophistication. Arriving via phone, post, but most commonly email. It only takes one person to succumb to a phishing attack. Having a solid anti-spam solution will help spot the scams.

  1. Patch management – Do you ever ignore those software update requests? Well don’t. Patch management is all about keeping up with those updates. They are there to improve and patch up areas which have become weak or outdated. Without them, devices run slower and are at greater risk of cyber threats.

Unsure if you are fully protected? You also need to have a disaster in place if all goes wrong.

Read on to see why working with us could be the best solution.

Managed Cybersecurity services

Worried you don’t have the expertise to keep your network free from harm? Why worry about getting something so important wrong when you can have someone do it for you?

If disaster strikes, a managed security service is there to minimize down time and reduce damage to your business, providing business continuity.

Allow us to take away the stress. We are reliable, supportive and have a team of experts waiting to help.

You may already have an IT department, but just need that little bit more help to cover all your needs. We can do that, managing all your IT requirements.

What do I do now?

We hope you have found this article useful. The information was to help you decide if the best cybersecurity measures are in place for your business. Don’t worry if they’re not. This can be changed.

We would be happy to discuss the IT needs of your business and what we can do to support you and your team. Get in touch.