In today’s competitive and fast-paced business world, having the right technology in place is crucial for success. Whether you’re looking to improve efficiency, protect valuable data, or stay connected with customers and employees, there are several IT features that every business should have.

Below, we’ve put together a checklist of these essential features, along with explanations of what they are, the key benefits, and how you can get started with each one.

 Server Installation and Maintenance

Your main business server is the backbone of your IT infrastructure. It’s the hub for all of your critical applications, data, and files. Having a properly installed and maintained server is essential to ensure that your business runs smoothly and efficiently. It’s important to use a server that runs optimally alongside your business, so that your team is always running at full speed. Server installation and maintenance provides you with:

  • Improved server performance and reliability
  • Peace of mind knowing your server is in good hands
  • Preventative maintenance to avoid any unexpected downtime

Using a service provider like GoldStar means you’ll get regular check-ups and maintenance to prevent any potential issues before they arise, keeping your server running smoothly. The process starts with an assessment of your current IT infrastructure and requirements. Our team of experts will then recommend the best server for your needs and install it for you.

 Data Storage

Data is one of the most valuable assets for any business. It’s important to have a reliable and secure method for storing your data. To work efficiently, you need to be able to access your  cloud storage and work management system easily. Cloud-based storage solutions come with many benefits.

  • Reliable and secure data storage solutions
  • Flexibility to choose the best option for your business
  • Simple access to your data from anywhere, at any time

GoldStar offer both on-site and cloud-based data storage solutions, based on how big your team is and how often they need to access the data. Our team can install the most suitable solution, configure it, and perform regular maintenance to ensure that your data is safe and secure.

 Virus Protection, Network Security and Backup

With the increasing threat of cyber-attacks, it’s essential to have robust security measures in place. With software protecting security like virus protection, network security, and backup services, you can ensure that your business is not at risk from data leaks and theft. This can take time and consideration to set up. To keep your business safe, software will need installing, updating and maintaining. Virus protection, network security and backup provides:

  • Robust security measures to protect your business from cyber-attacks
  • Regular security updates to stay ahead of the latest threats
  • Peace of mind knowing your business is secure

Our team of security experts will assess your business’s current security measures and recommend the best solution for you. They will then install the chosen security software, configure it, and perform regular security updates to ensure that your business is protected.

 Cloud Based Email

Email is an essential tool for every business. Installing and maintaining a cloud-based email means that you can access emails from anywhere, at any time. GoldStar Telecoms offers cloud-based email solutions, ensuring that you have access to your email no matter where you are.

Cloud based email provides:

  • Access to your email from any location, day or night.
  • Improved collaboration and communication within your team
  • Scalability to accommodate your growing business needs

It’s worth considering the top cloud-based email providers such as Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. These applications offer an array of features surrounding your email services. With a cloud-based email service, you stay connected with your co-workers in and out of the office.

Online Backup and Data Storage

It’s crucial to have a reliable backup and data recovery plan in place in case of an unexpected event. A Managed Service Provider can help you design and implement an online backup and data storage solution that meets the needs of your business. Having this service will give you:

  • Protection against data loss and downtime in events of tech failures.
  • Easy access to data from any device, anywhere, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
  • Remote staff access to shared workspaces.

GoldStar offers a range of online backup and data storage solutions, including cloud backup, hybrid backup, and on-site backup. They will work with you to figure out the best solution for your business and help you implement it, ensuring your data is always protected and accessible.

 PC & Laptop Repair

Laptops and computers play a vital role in the day-to-day operations of most businesses, and having reliable and efficient technology is essential. As high usage items, it’s important to keep your laptops and PCs serviced and in good working order, ensuring your business continues to run smoothly. A Managed Service Provider (MSP) can help you maintain and repair your devices to keep them running smoothly. Using an MSP can help:

  • Extend the life of your computers.
  • Minimise downtime
  • Support your remote staff.

We’d recommend using an experienced team of technicians who are knowledgeable in PC and laptop repair. They will provide regular maintenance and repairs to keep your computers running smoothly, as well as resolve any issues that arise quickly and efficiently.


Why Choose GoldStar?

For over three decades, GoldStar has been providing innovative telecom and technology solutions to businesses throughout Ireland.

If you require assistance with any of the services mentioned above, our team is ready to create a customised solution to meet your specific needs. To connect with us, visit our contact page or reach out via phone at 021 430 0737.